OP-amp differensiator is conducting a series of differentiation in a mathematical operation. The set produces output voltage proportional to the slope of the input voltage. The use of a common set of differensiator is to detect edge ahead and behind the edge of a square pulse or to generate output from input signal square triangle
In the picture above shows a circuit using an op-amp differensiator. The set is almost similar differensiator The set of integrators only resistors and capacitors positions are different. When the input voltage change means that the capacitor currents will remain. Because of all these constant currents flowing through the feedback resistance, then signal at the output of the box, as shown in the picture above
From the equation Vout can be seen that the output voltage is a differensiator deviatif of input voltage versus time multiplied by the time constant differensiator (RCX).
Voltage output (V out) in differensiator OP-amp schematic. Click Here!